Modelling, Control, Navigation of electrical multi-actuated vehicles International Workshop, Université de Technologie de Compiègne - University of Tokyo The OWHEEL European H2020 MSCA-RISE Project
Modelling, Control and Navigation on intelligent systems embedded on multi-actuated vehicles, towards optimal comfort and security by automated driving

Program (previewed)
A participation certificate will be delivered by the UTC Doctoral School to all PhD students participating in the lectures.
Wednesday 27th afternoon, starting at 14h30
14h30 – 14h40 : Welcome speech (J. Daaboul, UTC International Relations Director, Ph Bonnifait, Heudiasyc Lab director)
14h40 – 15h15 : Multi-Actuated Corner Vehicle (Viktor Skrickij , Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lituania)
15h15 – 16h : Innovations on Intelligent Vehicle Chassis ( Salvatore Strano, University of Naples, Italy)
16h-16h15 : Coffee break and discussions
16h15-17h : Comfort-oriented motion planning and control in (semi-) automated vehicles (Barys Shyrokau, TU-Delft, Netherlands)
17h – 17h45 : Heterogeneous Aerial-Terrestrial Robot
Collaboration and Lab tour (Pedro Castillo, CNRS-Heudiasyc Lab, France)
Thursday 28th, starting at 9h
9h-9h15 : Owheel Project : Concepts Towards Optimal Comfort by Automated Driving (Valentin Ivanov, TU-Ilmenau, Allemagne)
9h15-9h45 : Drone-vehicle communication for identifying road parameters (Viktar Beliautsou, TU-Ilmenau, Allemagne)
9h45-10h : Coffee break and discussions
10h to ~12h30 : PhD Thesis Viva : "Shared Navigation In A Cybernetic Multi-Agent Autonomous System" (Hugo Pousseur, PhD candidate, Heudiasyc Lab, France)
12h45 – 14h : Lunch buffet and discussions
14h30 –15h15
: Advanced Visual Perception and Autonomous Navigation (Philippe Martinet, INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, France)
15h15 – 16h
: e-Mobility Lab and Advanced Technology on Electrical Vehicles (Hiroyuki
University of Tokyo, Japan)
16h-16h15 : Coffee break and discussions
16h15-17h : Multi-Actuated Electrical Vehicle Control (Binh-Minh Nguyen, University of Tokyo, Japan)
17h – 17h45 : Virtual Reality and Human Interactions Lab tour (Yoann Bouvet, UTC-Heudiasyc Lab, France)
Friday 29th morning,
starting at 9h (Amphi at "Centre d'Innovation")
9h – 9h45 : Intelligent Vehicle Control and Stabilization (Reine Talj, CNRS-Heudiasyc Lab, France)
9h45-10h30 : Control, Navigation and Perception of Robotic Systems (Michel Basset, Université de Haute-Alsace, France)
10h30-10h45 : Coffee break and discussions
10h45-11h15 : Autonomous Navigation with Context Awareness (Alessandro Victorino, UTC-Heudiasyc Lab, France)
11h15-11h45 : Virtual Reality and Human Interactions Lab tour (Indira, UTC-Heudiasyc Lab, France)
11h45-12h30 : Lab tour Automated vehicles and trains and Final discussions
12h30 : Lunch buffet and discussions